Lighting Candles

During Lent many Christians increase their focus on Christ through prayer, the sacraments and acts of charity. Another part of our Lenten journey is being aware that we are messengers for Christ and His church. When God presents us with an opportunity to introduce others to Him, in responding we are filled with joy.

Matthew 28:19-20   Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Lent culminates in the beautiful Easter Vigil where the light of Christ comes from Him by way of a candle and is shared one by one with members of the church community.  It’s marvelous to see one candle’s light shine much brighter when joined with another.  When everyone has their light shining, the beauty is amazing.

Tom’s story:

My friend Tom told this story about two coworkers.  James a devout Christian and another employee Anne, who expressed an interest in his faith.  One day during Lent they were talking about faith issues.  James was scheduled to be at adoration that evening in the chapel from 9:00 to 10:00 PM and he asked Anne if she would like to join him there.  He did not know if she would show up, but she did.  They were the only two in the chapel during this Holy Hour.  She proceeded to ask him many questions about worship, beliefs and Christ.  He was delighted by the interest she showed.  There was joy in being used by the Holy Spirit and fulfilling God’s request to spread the good news.

Dale’s story:

Dale and his wife were planning on going to the Stations of the Cross in the evening and while talking to a neighbor mentioned it.  Dale, not knowing if they went to a particular church, asked his neighbor if they would like to join them.  Much to his surprise they said, “yes.”  Never having participated in the Stations before, they came to understand what Christ went through for them and they were truly blessed by attending and appreciated the invitation.

No one knows where the Spirit took it from there, but in courageously responding to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, a seed was planted.  God’s light was passed on.  How many candles will you light this Lenten and Easter season?